Top 3 Cultural Homestay Picks for Global Travelers

cultural homestays for travelers

In our current times, the desire for authentic travel experiences has grown, and cultural homestays have become a favored choice for those seeking to deeply connect with the places they visit. Among the many available, three particularly resonate for their genuine representation of local life and hospitality: the quiet Japanese ryokan, a traditional inn often found in the peaceful countryside; the lively Moroccan riad, brimming with North African allure; and the inviting Balinese family homestay, offering a warm introduction to the Island of the Gods’ community.

Each choice not only provides a comfortable stay but also immerses visitors in the enduring customs that are central to these areas. As we look at the distinctive characteristics that make these homestays integral to a traveler’s authentic experience, one stands at the beginning of a journey that offers much more than a place to sleep.

For those who yearn to understand the heart of their destination, a stay in a Japanese ryokan is a must. Here, guests can experience the calm and meticulously maintained environment, partaking in traditional practices such as onsen bathing and tatami mat living.

In contrast, a Moroccan riad in the midst of a bustling medina offers a different kind of enchantment. The sensory experience is vivid, with the riad’s intricate mosaics and fragrant cuisine reflecting the spirited culture of Morocco.

On a different note, the Balinese family homestay brings travelers into the fold of daily life on this spiritual island. Participating in family ceremonies and enjoying home-cooked Balinese meals allows for a genuine connection with the local culture.

‘A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles,’ as the saying goes. These homestays exemplify this sentiment, turning a simple trip into an opportunity for cultural exchange and lasting friendships.

Japanese Ryokan Retreat

Staying at a traditional Japanese ryokan is an experience deeply rooted in the cultural history of Japan, offering a peaceful haven where simplicity and calm are integral to the experience. These venerable inns welcome guests to cross their thresholds into a space where the noise of everyday life fades into the gentle rustling of tatami mats and the soft clinking of ceramic tea cups.

Each ryokan represents a haven of thoughtful hospitality, where the time-honored ethos of ‘omotenashi’ – the heartfelt, attentive art of receiving guests – fills the air. The minimalist design, drawn from Zen principles, prompts a reflective admiration of the quiet beauty around you, from the artful ikebana arrangements to the detailed designs on the sliding fusuma doors.

Guests are invited to partake in the purifying tradition of the onsen, a shared hot spring bath that is said to restore both the physical and spiritual self. This deep immersion, both in the waters and in the culture, serves as a poignant example of the beauty in simplicity and the relief found in stepping away from the relentless pace of modern life.

A visit to a ryokan is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a gateway to the essence of Japanese heritage and a meditative path to inner calm.

‘In the quietude of a ryokan, one finds not just rest, but a whisper of the eternal – an experience that lingers long after the journey ends.’

Moroccan Riad Experience

Just like the serene retreats of Japanese ryokans, Moroccan riads offer a genuine glimpse into the essence of North African tradition. These classical homes, frequently transformed into charming lodgings, are constructed with enchanting courtyards at their core, providing peaceful sanctuaries within the vibrant maze of medinas.

Choosing to stay in a riad is to immerse oneself in the genuine customs of the locals while savoring the opulence of Moroccan artisanship and aesthetics. The solid walls and elaborate embellishments of riads showcase the nation’s rich cultural heritage, featuring:

  • Personal Touch: The small number of rooms guarantees attentive service and a warm, inviting space.
  • Architectural Marvel: Every riad displays its own distinct elements, ranging from vibrant zellige tiling to intricately carved cedar beams and soothing fountains.
  • Gastronomic Experiences: Savoring home-cooked traditional dishes, crafted by the riad’s skilled cooks, offers a deep dive into the rich tastes of Moroccan fare.

For those in pursuit of something beyond the commonplace, a stay at a riad presents the opportunity to intimately engage with the region’s traditions and relax in an environment that is both opulent and rich with Moroccan stories.

‘Within the walls of a Moroccan riad, time slows, and the soul is nourished by the art and stories of an ancient culture.’

Balinese Family Homestay

Upon entering a Balinese family homestay, guests are immediately surrounded by the rich culture and heritage of the island. The fragrance of incense from the family shrine fills the air, an integral part of Balinese Hinduism, hinting at a profound spirituality that infuses the place. Each morning starts with the creation of ‘canang sari,’ as family members meticulously arrange flower petals, a task that is both an expression of creativity and piety.

The design of the homestay reflects the island’s belief in living harmoniously, with structures that promote openness and interaction. Doors feature elaborate carvings, and the vibrant tropical garden is considered an extension of the indoor living space. Dining together is the norm, offering a spread of dishes that showcase the island’s culinary heritage, each meal narrating the rich tales of the local landscape and its offerings.

Visitors are gently prompted to let go of their rigid timetables and adapt to the more relaxed pace of island life. Staying here provides more than just a place to sleep; it’s an opportunity to become part of a community that holds dear the values of togetherness, heritage, and the joys found in a simpler way of life.

‘Here, you’re not just staying in a place; you’re becoming part of a centuries-old way of life that cherishes human connection and the beauty of everyday rituals,’ as one visitor aptly put it.

The experience at a Balinese homestay is designed to be deeply immersive, allowing guests to form genuine bonds with their hosts and gain insights into a way of life that is rich in customs and community spirit.


In the rich mosaic of international journeys, the elements of authentic cultural experiences create the most intricate designs. From the peaceful havens of Japan’s ryokans to the colourful tiles that decorate Moroccan riads, and the heartfelt hospitality of a Balinese home, each homestay crafts a distinct pattern in the fabric of cross-cultural comprehension.

These homestays are more than just places to stay; they are gateways to the essence of a region, nurturing a deep bond that goes beyond conventional sightseeing.

In the intricate world of international travel, cultural homestays stand out as unique experiences. The tranquil retreats of Japan’s ryokans offer a window into the art of simplicity and tradition. The intricately designed Moroccan riads are a feast for the senses, reflecting the country’s rich history and artistry. Meanwhile, the genuine hospitality found in a Balinese family home provides a heartfelt introduction to the island’s communal spirit.

Each homestay is not just a lodging option but a bridge to the heart of a destination, creating personal connections that elevate the journey from a simple trip to a memorable exchange.

‘Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.’ – this quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of cultural homestays.